"If The Buffalo Skinners happen to be performing anywhere near you, don't miss them. You could regret it for the rest of your days"
- At The Barrier
"Their music is painted vividly across a broad canvas, using a palette that draws easily from traditional folk and rock’n’roll"
-God Is In the TV
"On the track, they push raggedy country into modern times, wrapping bluegrass sensibilities around pop’s little finger."
-Too Many Blogs
"Buskers made good!"
- Steve Lamacq,
BBC Radio 2
“Unfeasibly young and talented”
- No Depression
"Swapping instruments and vocalists, they play an energetic, winsome set exploring the full breadth of their ‘60’s rock, folk and blues influenced style. They seem to be having so much fun themselves that the audience can’t help but do the same."
-For Folks Sake
- Bob Harris,
BBC Radio 2
"One of the happiest songs I've ever heard, from the moment I first heard it right up to now it never fails to put a smile on my face."
-BBC Introducing
"Their slow songs are sweet, their fast songs are fun."
- Folk and Honey
"The blend of influences proves to be a winning combination, with nods to the US West Coast sound, the garage band scene, folk rock and the 60’s British Invasion"
- Americana UK
"Packed with neat lyrical turns and melodies that recall Whitney's debut album"
Track of the Day
- Clash Magazine
"The Buffalo Skinners aren’t a band with any desire to be pinned down to a single sound, wherever the music takes them, The Buffalo Skinners are well worth following."
-For The Rabbits
"They just got the crowd going and had a roaring reception. Astonishing."
- Janice Long,
BBC Radio 2
"A young Sheffield band worth checking out … they’re good fun!"
- Richard Hawley​
"Jolly Exciting!"
- Cerys Matthews, BBC 6 Music
"I love The Buffalo Skinners, everything they do is energetic, warm and
makes you want to dance
and sing and drink and smile."
- Mike Garry (Poet)
"They come across like a rockabilly Beach Boys;
We Get Along reworking
I Get Around in another genre and generation."
-NARC Magazine
"There's a maturity and complexity to the writing"
- R2 Magazine